Independence day
To commemorate the occasion of 74th Independence Day, D.A.V Sahibabad organized a virtual celebration on 15th August 2020. With the aim to instill the feeling of pride and patriotism, students along with their families were asked to join the celebration through virtual routes like youtube, facebook and Microsoft teams. Principal Sir, Shri V.K. Chopra unfurled the tricolor flag which was followed by the National Anthem. Principal Sir shared his precious words of wisdom with the students, parents and teachers.
On this special day, various online activities like poem recitation, quiz competition and sandwich making were organized for the students of class 1 & 2. Students also prepared bird, kites and flag based on tricolor theme. Videos depicting clippings of students with slogans like जय हिन्द and भारत हमको जान से प्यारा है was shown to the students.
All in all the spirit of nationalism was celebrated with great enthusiasm among the students on this day.