Let's Zen for Earth (Fusion of awareness and creativity)
*EARTH DAY* is celebrated around the world with this beautiful message that Our continuing efforts in our everyday lives will make this beautiful planet thrive. Echoing the same, the UPPER PRIMARY WING organized Mass Activity-*Lets Zen for Earth, * to mark the importance of this day. Our young environment conservationists of classes 3 and 4 celebrated this day by making posters with slogans on Mother Earth using *Zentangle Art* on an A4 size sheet. To add to the celebration, Students wrote their "Green oaths" and took a pledge to save their Mother Earth and also wrote acrostics on Earth day. These activities were organized with an aim to sensitize the children about the conservation of natural resources and their responsibility to make their planet even more beautiful. Children showcased their creativity and ideas to save their planet through their beautiful poster, taking green oaths and writing acrostics on Earth with great enthusiasm. These activities were a great fusion of awareness and creativity.